
Building a PWA with Vue and Arduino šŸ¤Æ

During the stream, we worked on building a score counter app. It’s going to be a Progressive web app, running on Azure Static Websites. The app makes a connection to an Arduino using the Web Bluetooth API and stores the data using Azure Functions.

This time we spend most of the time getting the service worker to work.

Programming a PWA with WebBluetooth on Azure

During the stream, we worked on building a score counter app. It’s going to be a Progressive web app, running on Azure Static Websites. The app makes a connection to an Arduino using the Web Bluetooth API and stores the data using Azure Functions.

Building Rosie the Chatbot and the Overlays

During the stream, we worked on building a Twitch bot using Node JS. We tried to fix a bug with the Spotify integration and we worked on getting Rosie to chat about new followers by connecting to overlays app with Web Sockets. We ended with adding an overlay for emotes that explode when used in chat.

WebVR game - Offline

During the stream, we worked on building a WebVR Game using A-Frame. During the stream, we created a new project, set things up. We also created 2 shaders for having the textures rendered the way we want.