Unity3D Editor Tools

For a while now I am streaming the building of a game with the working title ZombieCastlePrincess on Twitch . Although this game itself isn’t open source, I’ve put the editor scripts I build on my GitHub .

These scripts are available:

GroupInto, works on a selection and places the whole selection into a new Empty GameObject.

RandomizeSprites lets you select a list of sprites and places them randomly on the GameObjects with SpriteRenderers you selected.

RenameSelection renames your selection and places a number behind them (like “Grass (2)”).

ReplaceSprite replaces the sprite on the selected GameObject with another you select.

RoundOffColliders rounds the points of a 2D PolygonCollider to the nearest integer.

SelectBySprite selects all GameObjects in a scene that have a certain sprite.

SelectMissingSprites selects all GameObjects that are missing their sprites.

I’m sure this list will grow eventually. If you want to see me use these and build my game check me out on Twitch .